Posts Tagged ‘family values’

What God Has Joined: Hope for All Families

Click here to watch part 2

“What God Has Joined Together: Hope for All Families”

Join San Francisco + Oakland + Bay Area Faith Leaders for an evening of Healing, Affirmation & Hope for LGBT Families & Friends in the aftermath of the passage of Proposition 8

Come Join in an ecumenical celebration of LGBT families

Learn about resources and organizations supporting and advocating for LGBT family needs

Sunday, December 14, 4pm-7pm
Historic Sweets Ballroom
1933 Broadway, Oakland

Pan-Asian Blessing and Celebration of API LGBT Families


Clergy Blessing of API LGBT Families

October 11, 2008 at 3:00am to 6:00am
An Interfaith Event on National Coming Out Day
hosted by the Network on Religion and Justice for API LGBTs.

In Asian & Pacific Islander cultures, family is important. And to us, family means extended family. Family is inclusive. At the Network on Religion and Justice for API LGBTs, we understand an API LGBT family to include any family in which a member is Asian or Pacific Islander and a member is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.

If you are an API LGBT couple, or any individual or family group that identifies as all or part of an API LGBT family – if you are a straight parent of a API LGBT child, if you are a daughter, son, sister, brother, auntie, uncle, cousin, grandparent, church-family member, longtime co-worker, or neighbor – and you love and support your LGBT family member(s), we invite you & your family to join us for a blessing and celebration of your family.

Our celebratory interfaith blessing will take place at the multidenominational chapel at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, and will be conducted by an alliance of API religious leaders of various faiths.

Come join us to bless and celebrate API LGBT families!
For more information, see

Interfaith Blessing & Celebration of LGBT Families (pdf)

Asian Faith Leaders Support LGBTs

Announcement of Support is a Historic First

SAN FRANCISCO, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 2007 – Several prominent Asian American faith leaders in the Bay Area announce their public support of lesbian and gay families and equality at a press conference in San Francisco Chinatown on Thursday, May 31, 2007, from 10:30-11:30 am, at Chinese for Affirmative Action (17 Walter Lum Place, nearby Portsmouth Square), to coincide with end of API Heritage Month and the start of LGBT Pride Month. Confirmed speakers for the event include: Rev. Calvin Chinn, Rev. Jeffrey Kuan, Rev. John Oda, Rev. Deborah Lee, Rev. Michael Yoshii, Rev Elizabeth Leung. The event will mark the first time a coalition of Asian American faith leaders speaks out in support of lesbian and gay families and equality.