Vietnam’s first gay pride parade

More than 100 demonstrators rode bicycles and motorbikes through Vietnam’s capital, Hanoi, on Sunday, Aug. 5th 2012 in the country’s first-ever gay pride parade, spurred by an unexpected government proposal to legally recognize same-sex couples. [AP]

The event was held to raise awareness of Vietnam’s gay and lesbian community. The parade began at Hanoi’s national stadium Sunday morning, and ended about six miles away at Hanoi Botanical Gardens. Tam Nguyen, Vietnam Pride’s main organizer, said in an interview to Gay Star News that, “the most important thing about Pride is that you send out the message to the public that the gay community exists.” Demonstrators trailed rainbow-colored streamers and shouted, “Equal rights for gays and lesbians!” and “We support same-sex marriage!”

It was a scene that was unimaginable a few years ago, when Vietnam still labeled homosexuality a “social evil,” alongside drug addiction and prostitution. The country’s gay community was once so underground that few groups or meeting places existed, and it was taboo to even talk about the issue.

Vietnam’s state-controlled media now explores gay issues, and the Justice Ministry recently proposed including same-sex couples in its overhaul of the country’s marriage law – positioning Vietnam to be the first country in Asia to allow same-sex couples to marry or legally register. The new law could provide rights such as owning property, inheriting and adopting children.

Demonstrators said Sunday the proposal is a victory even if the government does not end up legalizing same-sex marriage.


Who Wants To Be An Ally?

Fourth Annual Boswell Lecture: “The Rainbow Connection”

April 28, 2011 at 5:30pm to 8:00pm

CLGS is pleased to welcome the Rev. Dr. Patrick S. Cheng to the PSR campus on Thursday evening, April 28, 2011, to deliver the fourth annual John E. Boswell Lecture. Join us that evening at 5:30pm for a reception in the PSR Chapel; the lecture will begin at 6:30pm. This event is free and open to the public.

Dr. Cheng’s lecture — “The Rainbow Connection: Bridging Asian American and Queer Theologies — will help to mark and celebrate an emerging queer religious scholarship among Asian Pacific Islander communities.

As Dr. Cheng describes it:
“Rainbows have long served as bridges between different worlds: heaven and earth; east and west; queer and non-queer.  In this lecture, I will suggest that the emergence of LGBTQ Asian Pacific Islander theological voices in recent years has created a hybrid space – or bridge – between Asian American and queer theologies.  It is in this ‘rainbow space’ that previously-silenced connections between sexualities, gender identities, and races can emerge, and thus challenge and transform the dominant theological discourse.”

The Rev. Dr. Patrick S. Cheng is the Assistant Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  He holds a Ph.D., M.Phil., and M.A. from Union Theological Seminary in New York, a J.D. from Harvard Law School, and a B.A. from Yale College.  Patrick is a contributor to the Huffington Post on LGBT theological issues, and he is an ordained minister with the Metropolitan Community Churches.  He is the founder and coordinator of Queer Asian Spirit, a world-wide online community of LGBT people of Asian descent and their allies who are interested in issues of spirituality and religion.  Patrick is the author of Radical Love: An Introduction to Queer Theology (New York: Seabury Books, 2011).  He has contributed chapters to The Queer Bible Commentary as well as the second edition of Sexuality and the Sacred.  His writings have been published in Semeia, Spiritus, and the Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. Patrick lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with his husband Michael, and they have been together for almost twenty years.  For more information, see Patrick’s website.

Click here for more on emerging queer API religions scholars.

Click here for more on the John E. Boswell Lectureship at CLGS.

Event Information:

EQARS Colloquium – April 29, 2011

April 29, 2011 at 12:30pm to 2:00pm

On the day following the Fourth Annual Boswell Lecture with the Rev. Dr. Patrick Cheng, the Emerging Queer Asian Religion Scholars (EQARS) cohort, convened by the Asian Pacific Islander Roundtable Project at the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry (CLGS), is proud to organize a groundbreaking interdisciplinary conversation among leading scholars from the fields of sexuality studies, comparative ethnic studies, and theological studies.

These scholars will examine how the queer Asian religious experiences can enrich their own research.

This event is free and open to public. Join us on Friday, April 29, 2011, in the Mudd Building, Room 100 on the PSR campus.

Colloquium Panel:

•Dr. Gina Masequesmay, Associate Professor, Asian American Studies, California State University Northridge, CA
•Dr. Jaideep Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Ethnic Studies Sabharwal Chair in Sikh and Punjabi Studies California State University East Bay
•Rev. Dr. Patrick S. Cheng, Assistant Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology, Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, MA
•Rev. Dr. Jay E. Johnson, Senior Director, Academic Research and Resources, Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA
•Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Leung, Coordinating Minister, Asian Pacific Islander Roundtable Project, Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry, Berkeley, CA

Asian and Pacific Islander Roundtable

The Asian and Pacific Islander Roundtable Project envisions the emergence of coalitions of API LGBTQ and API allies across the country that affirms the dignity and spiritual wholeness of API-LGBTQ people of faith.

In order to empower and resource such coalitions, we have created online listings of supportive API clergy, leaders, scholars, and of API religious/cultural resources. A curriculum that integrates sexuality, ethnicity and religion for API community is forthcoming.

The API Roundtable Project currently coordinates a group of emerging API scholars of queer religions. It has also been coordinating the Network on Religion and Justice for Asian American and Pacific Islander Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people (NRJ-API-LGBT) since 2005.


One Big Family Photo Solidarity Project

On Sunday, May 3rd, 2009, at the 50th annual Buena Vista United Methodist Church Bazaar in Alameda, CA, the Network on Religion and Justice for API LGBTs (NRJ) launched the One Big Family photo solidarity project.

In partnership with Buena Vista UMC’s Reconciling Ministry, NRJ hosted a booth at the Bazaar. Nestled between the hot tea tent and the chicken teriyaki ticket booth, we invited attendees to stand in solidarity with LGBTQ people by taking their picture holding a sign that read, “I am Christian and I stand in solidarity with LGBTQ people” or another solidarity message of their choice.

Buena Vista United Methodist Church voted to be a reconciling church in 2006. The BVUMC community was excited about the opportunity to show solidarity for LGBTQ people. See their pictures below:

We invite you to join the One Big Family photo solidarity project. If you’d like to be a part of the project, send your photo and written consent for us to use the photo to

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NRJ-API-LGBT honors Dr. Jeffrey Kuan

 kahjin-jeffrey-kuanMay 30, 5:00-9:00pm
API Family Pride Banquet, Hotel Whitcomb 1231 Market Street, San Francisco, CA

NRJ-API-LGBT, a joint project of PANA and CLGS, will publicly honor PSR professor Dr. Kah-Jin Jeffrey Kuan at this year’s API Family Pride banquet. Join us!

“Reverend Dr. Jeffrey Kuan, a respected pastor and biblical scholar, has long been a visible advocate for LGBT equality in churches and society. Beginning in the early 1990s, Dr. Kuan has been teaching against the misuse of biblical texts towards lesbian and gay Christians.  He served as an expert witness both in the investigation of the Sacramento 68, a group of United Methodist clergy, who co-officiated the holy union of a lesbian couple, and in the church trial of a lesbian clergy in Seattle. Rev. Kuan has marched and spoken out publicly in rallies and press conferences, as an Asian Pacific Islander clergy in support of LGBT equality and marriage.”

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API Solidarity Concert for Queer People, May 1st & 2nd

These were two amazing concerts to benefit queer people of faith in the Philippines. Concerts featured Michael Woo, vocalist; four-hand piano by Adrienne Krug & Stephanie Lynne Smith; the Hawaiian Chorus Na Leo Nahenahe (Sweet Voices) and the GAPA Men’s Chorus. These concerts will touch your heart – and change the world.

Friday, May 1st & Saturday, May 2nd
Doors open at 7pm; Concert at 7:30pm
$15 in advance. $20 at the door.

These Musical Events Benefit MCC’s Asian Pacific Initiative:

Founded in 1968, Metropolitan Community Churches minister to LGBT people and promote social justice in 22 countries around the world. Proceeds from the event will be used to train pastors and construct a new church building in Quezon City, Philippines. Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco: “We pledge to do our best to be intentional in building relationships with the API LGBT community, and in including API people as leaders in our community and worship services.”

Click this link for a printable poster (pdf)

API Solidarity Concert
API Solidarity Concert

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Call For Nominations – API Family Pride Banquet

API Family Pride6th Annual Family Presentation Banquet

Since 2004, Asian & Pacific Islander (A&PI) Family Pride has organized its annual Family Presentation Banquet to honor persons who have supported A&PI lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons throughout their journey of self-discovery and coming out. The annual Family Presentation Banquet has honored over 60 mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and numerous other accepting family members who have faced deep-rooted homophobia in order to love and accept their LGBT relatives. The Banquet is an opportunity to honor this private courage of public support.

We invite Asian & Pacific Islander LGBT individuals to nominate these brave and accepting family members to honor at the A&PI Family Pride Banquet on May 30, 2009.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Honoree Nomination Process

Who may nominate?

– Any LGBT Asian or Pacific Islander, or any organization with a constituency that includes Asian or Pacific Islander LGBTs.

Who may be honored?

– Any person or organization who in the eyes of the nominator, has provided support throughout an A&PI LGBT individual’s journey of self-discovery and coming out. They may be living or deceased and may be of any race or ethnicity.

How to honor:

Step 1: Provide your name, address, email, telephone and other contact information.
Step 2: Provide the name and relation of the person or organization you are nominating for recognition.
Step 3: Provide a written summary of 100 words maximum describing the love, support and acceptance the honored person(s) or organization have provided throughout your journey of self-discovery as an A&PI LGBT individual. Include a brief bio of the person(s) or description of the organization being honored.
Step 4: Provide one (1) photograph suitable for publication of the person(s) being nominated; a high resolution digital photo is preferred.
Step 5: Send the information to: API-FP, P.O. Box 473, Fremont, CA 94537 -or- email to

Note: Unless otherwise requested, it is understood that by submission, the names & stories of the honorees will be used in future A&PI-Family Pride printed and internet publications.

Nomination Deadline:
– The written summary and photograph must be received no later than April 15, 2009.

Next Steps:
You will be notified via telephone or email by April 30, 2009 if your nomination has been accepted. You will be provided two (2) complimentary tickets for yourself and your honoree to attend the annual Family Pride Banquet being held Saturday evening, May 30, 2009 at Hotel Whitcomb in San Francisco, CA. Any additional honorees must purchase banquet tickets in order to attend. You must be present at the Family Presentation Banquet and in the case that your honoree cannot attend, you may invite someone else to accept the award in their honor.

API Family Pride
P.O. Box 473
Fremont, California 94537

Helpline: 510-818-0887

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2009 Chinese New Year Parade – San Francisco

Lunar New Year 2009 - SFGUNG HAY FAT CHOY!

San Francisco’s night time Lunar New Year Parade took place on the evening of February 7, 2009. API Equality took the lead in organizing and the theme was “Asian Pacific Islanders for Marriage Equality.” The weather was warm (no rain!) and we had about 75 people show up and march with us. 

A religious contingent with folks from GRACE, Pine Church, NRJ-API-LGBT, PANA and more came out to march in support lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender APIs in the San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade.

This was the fifth year that the API LGBT Community and our allies are marched in the Chinese New Year Parade.  We show the world that there are LGBT API people in our community and that we support marriage equality.

Some of the participating organizations include API Family Pride, API Legal Outreach, Asian Law Caucus, API Queer Women & Transgender Coalition, API Wellness Center, Gay Asian Pacific Alliance, Network for Religion and Justice for API LGBT People, Our Family Coalition, PANA Institute and UC Berkeley Queer and Asian.

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