Honor Thy Children
Posted in Uncategorized on 04/21/2001 11:01 pm by Michael
Honor Thy Children by Molly Fumia
On the evening of April 21, 2001 Al and Jane Nakatani presented a pre-release version of a film documenting their story to a large crowd at the Bade Museum, Pacific School of Religion. They shared their story of losing three sons — two to HIV disease. They spoke powerfully about the continuing need to erase stigma and eliminate the shame associated with HIV.
A reviewer of their book said, “Al and Jane Nakatani have turned their hearts inside out for the world to see…and Molly Fumia, as their story’s conduit, treats those hearts with the tenderest, utmost respect. I find it difficult to convey how deeply moved I am by the infinite losses this family has suffered, and by the love and blessings that they have chosen to offer the world out of their broken-open hearts. *Please* read this book, and follow its most courageous lead: Honour your children, whoever they may be! ”
Honor Thy Children, Inc.
P.O. Box 962
Wailuku, HI 96793-0962
215 Alu Road
Wailuku, HI 96793